Sanford Stuttering Therapy
Caleb Sanford, M.S. CCC-SLP
Providing compassionate, evidence-based care for people who stutter and their families throughout Utah and Idaho

I am a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (M.S. CCC-SLP), a person who stutters, and the parent of a child who stutters.
I received a Bachelor's Degree from Idaho State University and a Master's Degree from Brigham Young University.
My personal experience with stuttering drew me to this field and maintains my passion for serving the stuttering community.
In addition to my work with Sanford Stuttering Therapy, I serve dozens of students who stutter, as well as many other students with a variety of communication disorders, in the public school setting.
I have both research and teaching experience in stuttering, including serving as an adjunct instructor for the Stuttering & Fluency Disorders class in BYU's Communication Disorders Master's program.
When I began stuttering as a young child, what resources did my parents have to ease their fears?
They, like many other parents who were just discovering this unique trait in their child's speech, were told by well-meaning professionals:
Don't talk to him about it - that could make him self-conscious!
Just wait and see
Tell him to use strategies such as "slowing down" when he stutters
Give him lots of extra-special time - that will help the stuttering go away
Such vague and often contradictory suggestions frequently leave parents with more questions than answers - and unfortunately, most speech therapists are not provided the training needed to give guidance that truly meets the needs of people who stutter and their families.
Even if parents or professionals never communicate this explicitly to them, many children who stutter grow up with the belief that it is better to not talk at all than to talk while stuttering. As a result, one of every parent's worst fears often becomes reality - their child loses the joy they once had in connecting and communicating with others.
So what do I wish my parents had for 3-, 8-, or 16-year old me?​
Someone who:
Understands deeply the complexities of the stuttering experience
Cultivates a meaningful connection with their child
Knows how to support parents and meet their needs as they navigate therapy with their child
Provides accurate, up-to-date information with parent-friendly language
Helps their child become a confident communicator
Seeing ourselves or our children lose their confidence in communication can be heartbreaking. At Sanford Stuttering Therapy, I strive to provide what I and many other people who stutter wish they had - specialized treatment that helps you/your child regain joy in communication and see that your voice is always worth listening to!

Get in Touch
Sanford Stuttering Therapy can serve you in several ways:
- In-office: located in Provo, UT (highly preferred for clients in Utah)
- In your home: for clients in Utah County or Salt Lake County
- Through teletherapy (online video call): for any clients who prefer meeting online or where distance is a challenge
I currently serve clients who live in Utah or Idaho.
I will soon be able to see clients in other states - please check in with me on this if you live in another state and are interested in receiving services.
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation today!
Text me at: 801-210-9054
Email me at: caleb@sanfordstutteringtherapy.com
Or fill out the form below: